HomeOnline RummyWhat Are The Winning And Playing Tactics For The Online Rummy Game? 

What Are The Winning And Playing Tactics For The Online Rummy Game? 

Online Rummy games require a perfect balance of many skills; observation, patience and brainstorming are a few among them. Although you can get a hang of anything by practicing, but with rummy solely practice will not take you to places. Mastering rummy game requires a lot more effort than just practicing it all day. 
In this article you will learn about the strategies that you can apply while playing cash rummy game to make sure you win big. 

Know which version is best for you 

Rummy comes in a lot of variants, and the first thing you should do is pick one. There are mainly four kinds of rummy that are played by many card lovers, points, pool, raise and deals rummy. Furthermore, there are sub-variants of these variants too. So, you need to carefully choose among all these variants and stick to one. Switching among the different variants will lead you nowhere and you won’t be able to master any of them. But if you focus on one variant, you will get a good hang of it. 

Arrange your hand 

When playing on best rummy sites in India, you should prioritize arranging your cards soon as they are dealt. It will help you observe your cards in a better way and you can make sequences and sets in less time as compared to disarrayed cards. You can easily create a pure sequence once your cards are arranged. 

Prioritize making a pure sequence 

Group your cards as soon as the cards are dealt, after you are done with it, next thing you should do is form a pure sequence. If you don’t have cards that would form a pure sequence you should group cards and see which card can help you make a pure sequence.  

Say no to high value cards 

You should always keep a check on your high value cards. Discards them as soon as possible, and always give priority to the low value cards. Even if you lose a hand, you will lose with less points if you discard your high value cards. 

Use joker efficiently 

There are two types of joker cards in rummy, printed joker and wild joker. You must be familiar with the printed joker, the extra cards that comes with the deck is known as the printed joker. In rummy wild joker is pre-decided before the hand begins, a random card is lifted from the deck and that card is considered as a wild joker, same card in every other suit is a wild joker. Using a joker in rummy is not complicated, but using it efficiently is a task.  

Dropping out is not always a bad idea 

If your gut says that the dealt hand is not good enough, you should drop early in the game. It is not a bad thing. You just have to make sure to bounce back stronger. 

Your opponent’s moves matter 

You should always keep a keen eye on your opponent’s moves. It will give you an idea about how his gameplay is and what is he strategizing. You will definitely get some idea about what card he needs, so that you can avoid dumping his desired card to the discarded pile. 

Rummy is a very good card game that will help you crush your boredom. You can download a rummy game app to start playing online. 









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