HomeHow to become a Multi-table Online Rummy Player?

How to become a Multi-table Online Rummy Player?

Playing and winning an online rummy game is a big task in itself especially if you are a beginner in this game. It takes a lot of effort and practice to master this game and become a winning player on rummy tables. However, there are a number of players that do enough practice to master this game but get stuck on the multi-tabling phase.

Multi-tabling in rummy means playing on more than one rummy table at the same time against a different set of players. You can play on as many tables as you want, just that you should be skilled enough. But, let’s face it, it seems impossible to play rummy on more than one table at the same time. Managing a lot of cards, understanding different opponents, planning different strategies, all this can make your mind chaotic. But what if we said we can make multi-tabling easy for you. Well, here are a few tips that can help you become a multi-table online rummy player easily. Read on to know more.

Start with One Table

The first thing to keep in mind is to always start with a single table especially if you are new to the game. Being a new player if you start with multi-tabling then you won’t be able to learn anything at all. You will neither be able to learn to play rummy efficiently nor you’ll be able to manage multi-tabling. Thus, always start with a single table, learn the basics of the game, how to manage different situations and opponents, and then move to multi-tabling.

Follow A Consistent Playing Style

When playing rummy on the best online rummy sites in India ensure that you follow a consistent playing style. Find out the playing style that is most suitable to you and helps you win when playing on rummy tables. Once you find what playing style is suiting your gaming comfort, stick to it and try this only when playing on multiple tables in a rummy game.

Multi-tabling with just One Variant

Another thing that you can do to get started with multi-tabling, is starting to play on more than one table with a specific variant of the game. When playing rummy, we unconsciously develop a favourite rummy variant which we play the most. This is the variant that you should be picking for starting with multi-table gaming in rummy. The comfort of your most played variant will make it easy for you to play on multiple tables.

Start Multi-tabling with only 2-player tables

When starting to play on multiple tables in rummy, then you should focus on starting with only 2-player tables. These tables are much-easier as compared to playing on tables with more than 2 members. You only play against a single opponent, so it becomes easier to observe the gameplay of your opponent and strategize your game accordingly.

Practice, Observe & Learn

You should always start multi-tabling with practice contests. Make sure to download online rummy app that offers practice contests as it will allow you to practice your multi-table skills as well as teach you what might be in store for when you start playing on pay-to-play tables.


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